Environmental Due Diligence

RSRA Record Search Radius Report

RSRA is the abbreviation for Record Search with Risk Assessment (RSRA). It was developed by the Small Business Administration (SBA) as a less expensive form of environmental due diligence when applying for SBA backed commercial loans. With a price-point of less than half the cost of a Phase I ESA, these environmental reports lowered the

Phase 2 ESA

It’s never a happy situation to find yourself in when you’re responsible for finding an Environmental Consulting company to do a Phase 2 ESA on a property you own or a property you want to purchase. Chances are good you’ve never done it before. Below, we try to give you some quick advice on how

Phase 1 Environmental

The average cost of a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is about $1900 depending on who you call and how involved the site is. That’s what we here at A3 Environmental Consultants charge for most projects. But there’s a lot more to it, so stick with me if you’re interested in learning more. What kind

Phase I ESA

As with all things, prices may vary based on many factors but here at A3E our Phase I Environmental cost vary around $1900. But read on because there’s a lot that goes into the pricing of a Phase I ESA. Table Of Contents How Risky Is the Target? How Far Is The Project? How Extensive

Environmental Consulting

Here at A3 Environmental Consultants, we’ve found the general public doesn’t know much about what we do and has more than a few preconceived notions. This post is about some of the the things we’ve come across which people frequently didn’t know. Environmental Consulting: Once soil is contaminated, there’s no cleaning it. No matter what

Phase I Environmental Report Example

Welcome, 1099 contractors! At A3E we like to make industry friends so we’re giving you some environmental report examples for your review. It was 5 short years ago that A3 Environmental Consultants was started by our fearless boss lady, Alisa Allen. Her initial goal was to be an Freelance Environmental Consultant to her friends in

Environmental Investigation

You are asking an unintentionally difficult question. In order to answer it we need to know what “Environmental Investigation” you are talking about. If you’re looking for environmental investigation of products like cell phones, you’re in the wrong spot. If you’re talking about commercial real estate, soil or groundwater environmental investigation, read on… Environmental Screen

Phase I ESA

We’ve learned a few things in the environmental consulting business. We’d like to share them with you. Table Of Contents Who Pays For The Phase I ESA? How Long Is A Phase I ESA Good For? How Much Does A Phase I ESA Cost? How Long Will A Phase I ESA Take To Complete? Does

Phase II Environmental site assessment cost

When clients ask “How Much Does a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Cost?” there is no other way to answer than to say “It depends”. I know that’s an unsatisfying answer but stick with me! We’ll get you a better answer by the end of this, I swear. But before we start, there’s some background

Tips On Buying Phase II ESA Consulting Like a Boss

It’s never a happy situation to find yourself in when you’re responsible for finding an Environmental Consulting company to do a Phase II ESA on a property you own or a property you want to purchase. Chances are good you’ve never done it before. Below, we try to give you some quick advice on how

How Much Does a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Cost

When clients ask “How Much Does a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Cost?” there is no other way to answer than to say “It depends”. I know that’s an unsatisfying answer but stick with me! We’ll get you a better answer by the end of this, I swear. But before we start, there’s some background

Environmental Record Search

When people ask about an Environmental Record Search, they typically can only mean one of a few things. In the environmental consulting industry we use database vendors for our environmental records search. While this function could, in theory, be done without wholesale environmental database reports, it would be much more difficult to do. It’s also

Why Your Meetings Are Awful

Left to my own devices, I believed that meetings were enormous time wasters and the best management and leadership was to avoid them completely. The term “This could have been an email.” is more than a meme. It’s too often a fact. I lived most of my first years as an entrepreneur comprehensively banning meetings.

Human Resources

We had a frightening situation develop on the Human Resources front last year. What became apparent to us quickly is that we had very little knowledge of how Human Resources worked and all the laws and regulations that could trip you up. Small Business Problems A3 Environmental Consultants is a small business. We grew through

Environmental Site Assessment

A Phase I ESA is mainly used to prevent the accidental purchase of a contaminated or otherwise environmentally compromised commercial property at a price that doesn’t take into account the environmental risk or impact. The strategies for purchasing a Phase I ESA depend on which party you are to the transaction. There are generally three

Phase 1 ESA Strategy

When commercial properties are bought and sold it’s frequently done by someone who is new to the process. Chances are high that you are a first time buyer or seller. So once a contract is signed, or better yet, before a contract is signed, the question comes up, “ Who pays for the Phase I

Buy Financial Assets not Environmental Liabilities

I like GIFs because they tell a story with moving pictures that would take many paragraphs if I were to write it out. People don’t read unless they have to. A picture is worth a thousand words. A3 Environmental Consultants is lucky enough to have a graphic artist freelancer who is reasonably priced and exceptionally

Environmental Report Example

Welcome, 1099 contractors! At A3E we like to make industry friends so we’re giving you some environmental report examples for your review. It was 5 short years ago that A3 Environmental Consultants was started by our fearless boss lady, Alisa Allen. Her initial goal was to be an Freelance Environmental Consultant to her friends in

A3E At the Kane County Cougars Game, Batavia Illinois

I’ve been a lifelong entrepreneur. I have a keen perspective on starting, and (trying to) grow a company. I’ve started (+/-) 5 companies and in all my time, A3 Environmental Consultants is by far the best team I’ve ever been on. I’m proud to be working with the smartest, most dedicated and hardest working people

Environmental Data Resources

Commercial Real Estate (CRE) professionals call us looking for environmental advice all the time. We’re happy to be your trusted environmental resource and are on-call to answer questions and help with strategy. We can’t do our jobs without environmental data resources of our own. Some of these are environmental databases of known contamination which we

SBA RSRA Template

If you are here looking for a SBA RSRA template download, you can only be an environmental consultant or freelance environmental consultant who is looking to do one of these reports for the first time. Fear not, they are pretty easy and your pals here at A3 Environmental Consultants are here to help. First, let’s

SRP Program Nightmares: When CRE Projects Go Bad

Commercial Real Estate developers are notoriously impatient. The following story is about a Site Remediation Program (SRP) nightmare we are currently working through. Buying a Contaminated Property in Chicago, Illinois We were contacted by a commercial real estate developer who had purchased a former plating facility in a great location to build their next development.

8 Tips To Buy Phase 1 ESAs Like a Hero

We’ve learned a few things in the environmental consulting business. We’d like to share them with you. Table Of Contents Who Pays For The Phase 1 ESA? How Long Is A Phase 1 ESA Good For? How Much Does A Phase 1 ESA Cost? How Long Will A Phase 1 ESA Take To Complete? Does

SBA Environmental Flow Chart (RSRA)

The Small Business Administration (SBA) has very specific environmental due diligence procedures which can be confusing. To sort it all out for you, A3 Environmental Consulting built this infographic SBA Environmental flow chart. Depending on the type of loan you are applying for and the use of the property you are buying, you can determine

SBA Environmental Questionnaire Form

The elusive SBA Environmental Questionnaire Form. Your first question is why is it so hard to find? It would be awfully nice if the Small Business Administration provided this in an easy format. They don’t. But not to worry, we’re going to cover it every way possible here. SBA Environmental Questionnaire, what is it and

First Search Environmental database

Before you spend a fortune on Environmental Due Diligence, First Search an Environmental Database to see what you are getting into. Working at A3E Consultants for as long as I have, I have come to realize that not every problem needs the most expensive solution to solve it. You can take a more nuanced approach.

Freelance Environmental Consultants

There would be very few environmental consulting companies that could operate with a nationwide footprint if it weren’t for freelance environmental consultants. If those companies did exist, they would be enormous and every expensive. It’s almost impossible to staff the entire country with offices and consultants. Having a network of resources you can call helps

Auto Signature

The Auto Signature is the single best marketing hack you can do for your Environmental Consulting business for no money at all. What is an Auto Signature? In every email client, Outlook, Gmail, etc… there is a setting where you can create your automatic sign-off to any email. You might think the auto signature is

Small Business Lawyer

If you started a small business, you’re eventually going to need an amazing small business lawyer. How do you know your lawyer is any good? I’ve been an entrepreneur for 25 years and I’ve made mistakes. I’ve tried to learn along the way and make good decisions. I hope you find value in what I

Environmental Insurance Broker

An amazing environmental insurance broker is a necessity in the environmental consulting business. What makes an insurance provider amazing? If you don’t have insurance you will find yourself excluded from many, if not most, environmental consulting projects. If you do get hired, it will be as a 1099 subcontractor and often your client will “sell”

Buy Financial Assets

A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is the second step of investigation into whether a property has environmental contamination of some kind. A Phase II ESA reflects the suspicion of an environmental consultant that contamination exists based on a Phase I ESA. While completing the Phase II ESA, the consultant will confirm or exclude

CCDD LPC-667 Download

IEPA CCDD LPC-667 Download (PDF) Click Here! This is a blank Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) form LPC-667 in editable PDF format. If what you’d like to dump at a CCDD facility is “Painted CCDD”  which is uncontaminated broken concrete without protruding metal bars, bricks, rock, stone, or reclaimed or

CCDD LPC-663 Download

IEPA CCDD LPC-663 Download (PDF) Click Here! This is a blank Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) form LPC-663 in editable PDF format. A3 Environmental Consultants wants you to have this in the event you have soil you need to dispose of. The CCDD facility is going to need your paperwork

CCDD LPC-662 Download

IEPA CCDD LPC-662 Download (PDF) Click Here! This is a blank Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) form LPC-662 in editable PDF format. A3 Environmental Consultants wants you to have this in the event you have soil you need to dispose of. The CCDD facility is going to need your paperwork

Dump Clean Fill Dirt

Do you find yourself asking where you can dump clean fill dirt near your project? A3 Environmental Consultants is here to help. We found ourselves wondering the same thing for the projects we work on. We built this map to help find the closest facilities. First thing to notice, this is only good for Illinois

Vapor Intrusion

Vapor Intrusion is the ability for volatile organic compounds to migrate from contamination in soil or groundwater through porous building foundations into areas of habitation, causing risks to health and human safety by inhalation of indoor air. The contamination occupies the void space between particles in the soil as a vapor. The vapor is known

NFR Letter

NFR means “No Further Remediation”. It’s a letter given to a landowner of an environmentally contaminated property stating that the property currently meets environmental standards set forth by the state. Depending on the state you are in the letter may be called a NFA letter, for “No Further Action”. This does not mean the property

Environmental Engineering Firms

You’ve asked the internet what the best environmental engineering firms are in Chicagoland and the internet delivered you to the website of A3 Environmental Consultants. Full disclosure, we’re not environmental engineers, we’re environmental consultants. My first question for you, is do you know the difference? Are you sure you need an environmental engineer? Unless you’re

Site Remediation Program (SRP)

SRP is the industry abbreviation in Illinois for “Site Remediation Program” which refers to a body of law and regulation pertaining to contaminated properties. It describes a regulatory program where a landowner can voluntarily investigate and/or remediate their property to receive a NFR (No Further Remediation) letter. The Illinois EPA is authorized to issue No

Freelance Environmental Consultant

A3 Environmental Consultants has developed a free tool for people buying and selling freelance environmental consultant’s services. If you click here, it will take you to our switchboard where you’ll find a link to the ArcGIS map. The ArcGIS map is stored behind a mandatory login. We do this to prevent scammers and spammers from

Freelance Environmental Consultant

First, Welcome! If you’ve been in the Environmental Consulting industry long enough you know people get awfully freaky about their list of Freelance Environmental Consultants. We’re not that way. We want both the Indy EP’s AND the companies that might need their services to be successful and to charge every penny the market will bare

Environmental Cleanup Companies

You’ve asked the internet what the best environmental cleanup companies are in Northern Illinois and the internet delivered you to the website of A3 Environmental Consultants. Full disclosure, we’re environmental consultants. My first question for you, is what kind of environmental cleanup are we talking about? In order to give you the best advice, I


The smartest thing ever said in government was when Donald Rumsfeld said: there are things we know, there are things we know we don’t know, there are things we don’t know we don’t know. We make decisions every day with imperfect information. We do the best we can and we seem to get by as

Environmental Engineering Companies

You’ve asked the internet what the best environmental engineering companies are in Chicago and the internet delivered you to the website of A3 Environmental Consultants. Full disclosure, we’re not environmental engineers, we’re environmental consultants. My first question for you, is do you know the difference? Are you sure you need an environmental engineer? Unless you’re

SBA SOP 50 10 6 Official PDF Download

I know you can hardly contain yourself. The new Small Business Administration (SBA) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Record Search With Risk Assessment (RSRA) is OUT!! Download Official RSRA SBA SOP 50 10 7 by clicking here. I know you didn’t ask for it but you also might need the SBA Environmental Flow Chart which

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How Much Does a Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment Cost

A Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is the second step of investigation into whether a property has environmental contamination of some kind. A Phase 2 ESA reflects the suspicion of an environmental consultant that contamination exists based on a Phase 1 ESA. While completing the Phase 2 ESA, the consultant will confirm or exclude

SBA Reliance Letter Download 2021

You’re here because you need a SBA Environmental Reliance Letter. You most likely just had a Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment done and now you’re submitting it to the Small Business Administration (SBA) for approval. You also work for a bank or other financial lending institution and you don’t do this very much. If you

Phase 1 Environmental Cost

As with all things, prices may vary based on many factors but here at A3E our Phase 1 Environmental cost vary around $1900. But read on because there’s a lot that goes into the pricing of a Phase 1 ESA. Table Of Contents How Risky Is the Target? How Far Is The Project? How Extensive

Environmental Consulting Firms

You’ve asked the google-tubes who the best environmental consulting firms are in Chicago and it delivers you to A3 Environmental Consultants corporate marketing posts. You’re probably thinking, you’re in for some completely biased information. To be clear from the outset, I think A3E is pretty amazing but I’m going to do my best at guiding

EDR Report Cost

An EDR Report is an Environmental Database Report which costs $200 and is completed in 24 hours in most cases. To be fair, “EDR” is also a company which creates these EDR Reports. When A3 Environmental Consultants prepares these reports we use a data provider called ERIS who’s data we believe is better than EDR.