IEPA CCDD LPC-667 Download (PDF) Click Here!
This is a blank Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) form LPC-667 in editable PDF format. If what you’d like to dump at a CCDD facility is “Painted CCDD” which is uncontaminated broken concrete without protruding metal bars, bricks, rock, stone, or reclaimed or other asphalt pavement that has been painted, then this is the right form for you. Painted CCDD cannot be used as fill material at a CCDD fill operation without certification from a professional engineer or a professional geologist using this form. A3 Environmental Consultants can help with this.
The CCDD facility is going to need your paperwork filled out and you need to get permission to dump the soil before you show up. The map below is an ArcGIS map of CCDD facilities and what’s called USFO or Uncontaminated Soil Fill Operations.
If you need to understand more about CCDD and how to get rid of clean fill you can get a complete dissertation on what it’s all about here.
If you want to find out more about Maximum Allowable Concentrations (MAC) you can click here.
If you need support with Clean Construction Demolition Debris or Uncontaminated Soil Fill, give A3E a call. A3 Environmental Consultants can be reached at (888) 405-1742 or by email at