About A3 Environmental Consultants A3 Environmental, LLC (A3E) is a full-service, woman-owned, small business specializing in providing quality environmental services. Our clients include private entities, federal, state, and local government organizations. We perform due diligence, site assessments, and remediation across the United States. We are nimble. We offer turnkey solutions to the environmental concerns encountered

This is designed as self-training for new employees and a reminder for current employees as to how to use the phone system. By this point, you should have been told what your extension is and have set a password. If not, you need to connect with the me (Tim) person to accomplish that task. Bookmark


In most companies you will find that nobody but upper management is allowed to sign a contract. We think that attitude is self defeating. Reading a contract is a skill that needs to be taught, learned and practiced or when it comes time to do it for real, you’ll be at a complete disadvantage. Our


At A3 Environmental Consultants we work hard to keep our whole team engaged in our marketing efforts. We run monthly internal promotions with our employees to expand our reach and market to our industry better. One way we do this is by encouraging our team to maximize their LinkedIn personal accounts to help our corporate

Why Your Meetings Are Awful

Left to my own devices, I believed that meetings were enormous time wasters and the best management and leadership was to avoid them completely. The term “This could have been an email.” is more than a meme. It’s too often a fact. I lived most of my first years as an entrepreneur comprehensively banning meetings.

Human Resources

We had a frightening situation develop on the Human Resources front last year. What became apparent to us quickly is that we had very little knowledge of how Human Resources worked and all the laws and regulations that could trip you up. Small Business Problems A3 Environmental Consultants is a small business. We grew through

In life, we spend too much time thinking about what we are going to do and not enough thinking about WHY we are going to do it. A3 Environmental Consultants is growing and we have a real danger of losing what makes us special. I’d like to lay down a common thread and outline a


Everyone struggles with vulnerability. Everyone. Anyone who tells you they don’t and especially everyone who LOOKS like they don’t actually struggles with being vulnerable even more than the average person. The perfect example of this can be seen by examining the personal lives of comedians and actors. Being on-stage, alone, and creating something artistic is

Auto Signature

The Auto Signature is the single best marketing hack you can do for your Environmental Consulting business for no money at all. What is an Auto Signature? In every email client, Outlook, Gmail, etc… there is a setting where you can create your automatic sign-off to any email. You might think the auto signature is

Small Business Lawyer

If you started a small business, you’re eventually going to need an amazing small business lawyer. How do you know your lawyer is any good? I’ve been an entrepreneur for 25 years and I’ve made mistakes. I’ve tried to learn along the way and make good decisions. I hope you find value in what I

Environmental Insurance Broker

An amazing environmental insurance broker is a necessity in the environmental consulting business. What makes an insurance provider amazing? If you don’t have insurance you will find yourself excluded from many, if not most, environmental consulting projects. If you do get hired, it will be as a 1099 subcontractor and often your client will “sell”