An EDR Report is an Environmental Database Report which costs $200 and is completed in 24 hours in most cases.
To be fair, “EDR” is also a company which creates these EDR Reports. When A3 Environmental Consultants prepares these reports we use a data provider called ERIS who’s data we believe is better than EDR. These reports are standard purchases of banks and other financial institutions who are looking to have visibility into the environmental risks they are taking when they finance a property.
Many of our clients are also end users of the data, purchasing commercial real estate across the country and would like a cost effective way to worry less about the possibility of environmental contamination at the site they are purchasing.
How Fast can you have an EDR Report Completed?
I told you earlier that we turn these projects around, on average in 24 hours. We typically ask for 48 hours but thats because we have a lot going on here at the office and if you don’t ask for your EDR report to be completed faster, we’ll endeavor to get it done in our usual turnaround time. However, if you need it really fast, we’ve done them from start to finish in 30 minutes. Yep, we’re that fast.
Does an EDR Report tell me everything I need to know about my environmental risk?
Not necessarily. EDR reports are designed to be high level reports, like reading the headlines of a news paper. You can understand a lot about the news from the headlines, but you don’t have the complete story. Sometimes the headlines is all you need. Sometimes you need to read the detail. When that happens we point you to products like the Record Search with Risk Assessment (RSRA) and the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment.
When would you not recommend using a EDR Report to evaluate environmental risk?
There are three types of properties that are completely wrong to use EDR Reports to evaluate risk. Automotive, dry cleaning and metals fabrication are three types of properties you should avoid getting EDR reports on. Anything industrial or manufacturing is probably a bad use of environmental radius searches too.
Can I download a EDR Report?
Absolutely. Click here and download an EDR Report.
Where does the data come from in A3E EDR Reports?
I already mentioned we get our data from a data vendor called ERIS. ERIS is a large company which was founded by former executives or the other data provider I mentioned, EDR. But where do those companies get the data from? They buy some of it, they import it from Federal, State, County and Municipal sources and some they get from the public library. Yes, the public library.
City directories are essentially the yellow pages and the most complete sets of data can be found in the public libraries across the united states.
What happens if the data is wrong and I find out I really do have contamination on my property?
That can happen but it’s rare. In reality, there’s not a lot you can do. Our Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment products are covered by our errors and omissions insurance. If you rely on an environmental screen when you purchase a commercial property, you ought to be pretty certain the property is clean. It’s not a substitute for an RSRA or Phase I ESA. If you need the full coverage of these other products you should speak with a customer service representative here at A3 Environmental.
If you need a EDR Report, research or testing done on your property or one you are interested in purchasing, give A3 Environmental Consultants a call. Our Assessments meet the requirements of all commercial lenders and government agencies such as the SBA, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). A3 Environmental Consultants can be reached at (888) 405-1742 or by email at