Phase I, II & III Site Assessment Figures
Site Maps, Sample Location Maps, Exceedance Location Maps with Detailed Call-outs are just a few examples of what we typically do for Phase I, II & III Figure Sets.
But how often are projects "typical"?
Let us help you sort through the laboratory analytical results, illustrate modeled extent of contaminants or create figures detailing your excavation.
Our Environmental Site Assessment figures are completed with the latest available versions of AutoCAD and Adobe DC Pro. State and local governmental agencies may be referenced for property specific information (including but not limited to) parcel boundaries, GIS data, right of way and/or utility information. It is the responsibility of the client to specify what information is desired or required in all drawings, and provide said information when not readily available. Regardless of any pricing or turnaround times shown on this web page we will provide a cost/time estimate for each project which will require approval prior to commencement. Completed figures will be submitted back in PDF format, if there are file size restrictions please make that known at the beginning of the project so we may adjust accordingly. All files will be turned over upon project completion including all DWG (AutoCAD) files and associated external reference material.
With all that being said, we are happy to accommodate whatever needs your project dictates. Let's work together to create your next set of beautiful custom Environmental Drawings!
If it is our first project with you we will ask you send a copy of your logo so we can create a custom Title Block just for you. Have a title block (in DWG format) you'd like us to use? No problem., we can appreciate the need for consistency!
For a Phase 1 we could get going with nothing more than a property address and your project number to include in the title block. Couldn't be more simple!
To get started on a Phase 2 we would need the project address, your project number, any site specific information you'd like included (features of concern or utility information if desired) and sample locations. Exceedance call-outs can be added at the end of the project as needed.
Phase 3 drawings typically require the previous ESA's associated with the property, any new information regarding site features and sample locations/exceedances. For Phase 3 figure sets a list of project specific drawings keeps everyone on the same page, feel free to just make a list and email it to us.
potentiometric maps & groundwater contours
With as few as three monitoring well elevations we can caluculate Hydraulic Gradient Value and estimate groundwater flow.
With more than three well elevations we can create beautifully detailed water contours.
All we require is the location of the monitoring wells and the well elevations. If all you have readily available is the depth to water, feel free to send that along and we will figure out the rest! We can work from marked up areials, hand sketches or GPS coordinates. In addition to location, include the depth to water or water table elevation, unit of measure used and associated monitoring well tags.
If you are looking to have detailed water contours drawn and are sending more than three monitoring well elevations specify which three you would like us to use to calculate the groundwater flow and hydraulic gradient value. If we make the selection, typically we will use the highest and lowest elevations with the mid range elevation being the closest representation to the mean of all the wells.
Click here to see the map above live, in ArcGIS. See how close we are to you.
Tell Us About Your Project! Call (888) 405-1742
Geotechnical Cross SectionS, UST Removals & 45-Day Lust Figures
Cross sections are a wonderful way to convey information that requires depth.
And they are really fun to do too!
beyond the figures...
Often we get requests for things that are helpful, although outside the realm of standard environmental reporting.
Need help calculating the square footage of asphalt covering a large lot?
Or bringing your GIS datasets to life?
Need paper versions of required documents converted into editable electronic files?
Maybe you are just interested in finding out where historical features overlay current geographical information.
We can do that and more!
All General Inquiries:
HQ: 3030 Warrenville Rd. Suite 418, Lisle, IL 60532