So this is a marketing blog and I’m telling you nobody cares about your marketing. What gives? This is old-guy logic going on here. Building a website is slow difficult work which draws on many skills you may or may not have. Copyrighting is difficult. Coming up with the right artwork is difficult. Putting it all into a coherent format and flow. Double checking links, functionality and debugging. Then tuning what you made for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all a chore.
On top of all of this, the artistic pursuits this requires (writing, artwork) leave the creator vulnerable in a different and additive way to the normal pressures of answering to bosses.
The result is a propensity to tinker a website to death while never launching it. Don’t be that guy. Don’t be marketing-zilla. Get the thing as right as you can quickly and launch it.
I have seen way too much time burned on colors and logos because that’s fun. Do the hard work and launch. Clean the thing up while it’s live. The job is not to start, it’s to finish with something that was better than before.
Relax and push the publish button.
Real people aren’t going to notice any issues you might have, and if they do, they’ll ignore them. They have too much to do to point out your mistakes.
If you take more than 2 months to publish you are doing it wrong. Get cracking.
#2 down, onto #3
So let’s talk about websites.
- Background. Hosts, Platforms, Themes, IFrame, Plugins, Third Party Software
- Nobody cares about your website, you should care less, a lot less.
- What functionality looks like.
A3 Environmental Consultants is a WBE based in Lisle Illinois. We do environmental due diligence in all 50 states and soil & groundwater remediation from central Wisconsin to Central Illinois, the top of Indiana and central Michigan to the Mississippi river on the western border of Illinois.