In 2017 Wendler Engineering Services contacted A3 Environmental Consultants requesting to have their Site Remediation Project (SRP) site closed out so they could sell the property. The site was located in downtown DeKalb, Illinois and was the former location of Sawyer Auto Service Center. They had purchased it during the real estate market crash in 2009 and planned to use it as a satellite office.
The project was started by Levin-Fricke Environmental as a Brownfield Redevelopment Grant project from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). The City of DeKalb had identified the blighted property and done the preliminary environmental investigation.
Brownfield Remediation / Site Remediation Program (SRP)
During the investigation, it was found the site was also the location of a former dry cleaner from the 1920’s. It had significant contamination from both uses which had migrated offsite. The commercial real estate market crash had stalled any work on the project but Wendler Engineering had identified a new buyer for the property and was eager to move forward.
A3E reviewed all the available documentation and restarted the project. They connected with the project manager at the IEPA and submitted all the appropriate documents. A3E further characterized the extent of soil, groundwater and soil gas impacts at the site. AS part of the remediation efforts, A3E requested that the City of DeKalb establish a site specific groundwater ordinance to prohibit the use of groundwater as a potable source. Additional remedial actions included the use of engineered barriers, land use restrictions, construction worker safety and future building controls.

Assets Not Liabilities
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Soil & Groundwater Investigations
Soil Gas Investigations
Tier 2 Risk Assessment Modeling
Groundwater Ordinance Implementation
Key Staff:
Alisa Allen – Professional Geologist, Final Review
2017 – 2020