A client with 65 years history providing heavy construction equipment rental from 109 facilities located across all 50 states contacted A3 Environmental Consultants seeking help with their purchase of a 24 acre industrial site. They had historic a Phase I ESA and a Phase II ESA showing contamination on the site indicative of heavy automotive use. In addition, there was some question if the site was a former, unregulated landfill. The neighboring properties all had heavy industrial uses that may have contributed to the contamination over the years. They found diesel, hydraulic fluid, waste oil and solvents typical in a machinery repair facility which was the primary use of the location.
Site Remediation Program
Being good stewards of the environment, Ahern Rentals chose to voluntarily enter the site into the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (IEPA) Site Remediation Program (SRP) to receive a No Further Remediation (NFR) letter. Upon receiving the NFR they will be free to subdivide the property into a parcel that is more manageable to their business needs and sell off the remaining to be used in accordance with the surrounding industrial uses. This will free up capital to be redeployed for their ongoing operations. During our operations A3E worked closely with a natural gas distribution company that had easement for a major gas main pipeline that transited the property. We were able to drill to sample soil and groundwater while keeping the natural gas pipeline and the greater community safe. A3 Environmental Consultants is proud to have been chosen to achieve our client’s goals of quickly, efficiently and cost effectively moving this property from environmental liability to an asset.

Assets Not Liabilities
Heavy Construction Rental Equipment
Lemont, Illinois ( Chicago Suburb )
Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Site Remediation Program
Key Staff:
Dave McCoy – Professional Geologist, Final Review
Colleen Stull – Project Manager
Andrew Geleske – Phase I ESA
2019 – Present
Estimated $60,000
If you’d like A3 Environmental Consultants to price out your Site Remediation Program (SRP) project, please click through the link.