The Lake Villa Illinois School District purchased a property back in 2000. The site is a former gasoline station that had three underground storage tanks (UST) removed in 2009. A release was declared during removal of the USTs because of corrosion and overfilling. Early Action and Stage I Investigations took place from June to September of 2009, Stage 2 Investigations took place in February of 2010 and Stage 3 Investigations took place in June 2010. Corrective Action Activities took place between September and November of 2012. All Early Action and Additional Investigations and Remediation were performed by EMR. Ms. Alisa Allen, owner of A3 Environmental completed the Stage 3 investigation in 2012 for EMR.
UST Remediation Corrective Action Activities
The major components of the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) included the removal of approximately 3200 cubic yards of contaminated fill and native soil under manifest. Excavation activities were performed under the supervision of Ms. Alisa Allen and confirmation soil samples were collected from the walls and floor of the excavation pits at 20-foot intervals and submitted for analysis of BTEX, MTBE and Total lead. In total, 53 soil samples were collected and analyzed. Analytical results indicated that all impacted soils were excavated and disposed of except for an area along the northeast wall, which was the property line of the property and adjacent to an IDOT right-of-way. Continued excavation was not possible due to a gas main and the right-of-way. After completion of the excavation activities, the project went dormant as personnel changes occurred at both the School District and at EMR.
Lake Villa School District UST Remediation Project Profile 2012 to 2023
Additional Corrective Action Activities
In 2021, the Lake Villa School District reached out to Alisa Allen of A3 Environmental Consultants to assist with the continued closure of the LUST incident. Given the length of time that passed since corrective action activities took place, A3E worked with the IEPA Project Manager to determine the next course of action. In October 2021, A3E conducted a supplemental investigation to ensure subsurface contaminants of concern were consistent with the last sampling event and to assess R26 modeling of contaminants of concern to determine migratory distances into the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) right-of-way. A total of 9 soils borings were advanced in the vicinity of historic borings with exceedances identified during the Stage 3 investigation. Of most concern was a 2012 Csat exceedance of Xylenes. The investigation did not replicate the exceedances and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) Project Manager determined that further evaluation of the concern was not required.
In July 2022, A3E submitted an Amended Corrective Action Plan documenting the additional investigation completed in 2021 and to propose the plan to address the remaining concerns at the property. The Corrective Action Plan includes the use of engineered barriers in the form of an asphalt cap, a Highway Authority Agreement with IDOT, and a Construction Worker Health and Safety Plan. The CAP was approved in November 2022. A3E is presently preparing a Corrective Action Completion Report for submittal to the IEPA.
Lake Villa School District
Lake Villa, Illinois
UST Removal
Site Investigation
Corrective Action Plan
Key Staff:
Alisa Allen – Professional Geologist, Project Manager
Colleen Stull – Sr. Project Manager
Duration: 2012 – 2020
Value: Estimated $300,000+
LUST#: 20090562