Hancock Engineering contacted A3 Environmental Consultants for four Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) for a sewer improvement project in the City of Maywood, Illinois. Maywood was interested in starting sewer repair and replacement across several corridors of land and needed a PESA to protect worker health and safety as well as for soil management planning purposes as they budgeted for soil hauling expenses.
Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA)
Similar to a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, a PESA is designed for a corridor of property instead of one parcel and are typically done by governments who own rights-of-way. The idea is to find areas of concern which would necessitate a Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) which is equivalent to a Phase II ESA. Both of these services help keep workers and the general public safe from inhalation concerns from contaminated soil which is exposed during infrastructure construction and maintenance. The information we find helps to drive budgetary concerns by lowering the cost to remove “spoils” which is soil that no longer necessary on a job site. Contaminated soil is expensive to remove, uncontaminated soil is far less expensive. A3 Environmental consultants manages the process through the service of “Soil Management Planning, Design and Oversight“.
Client & Stakeholders:
Hancock Engineering
City of Maywood
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)
Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA)
Key Staff:
Dave McCoy – Professional Geologist, Final Review
Evan Meinzer – Project Management
Estimated $8,800