In October 2017, A3E was contracted to remove a 1,000-gallon fuel oil UST from an apartment building in Evanston, IL. A release was identified and reported to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency.
20-Day/45-Day Reports
A3E submitted the required 20-day and 45-day Reports to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Early action activities included the removal of the UST, collection of the required sidewall and base soil samples and backfilling of the excavation with CA-6 crushed stone.
Stage 1 Site Investigation
In 2018, A3E obtained approval from the IEPA to complete a Stage 1 Site Investigation. The Investigation included delineating the extent of impacts and installation of four groundwater monitoring wells.
Because of the location of the UST excavation, near the southeast property boundary, the IEPA agreed, that a fifth monitoring well (a source well) was not necessary. A3E completed groundwater sampling and hydraulic conductivity testing on two wells. The geology of the area was mainly silty sand, due to the site’s proximity to Lake Michigan. A3E submitted a Site Investigation Completion Report to the IEPA in May 2018 indicating the extent of soil and groundwater impacts were delineated both horizontally and vertically. No contaminants of concern were determined to be a vapor risk and thus a soil vapor assessment was not required.
Corrective Action Plan (CAP)/Corrective Action Completion Report (CACR)
A3E has completed the following remedial activities to obtain a Focused No Further Remediation Letter for this site:
- Remove the UST and backfilled the cavity with stone and the ground surface restored with asphalt/concrete.
- Perform risk-based assessments and modeling of any remaining impacts on site.
- Notified offsite properties of potential groundwater impacts,
- Implement engineering barriers and/or institutional controls to eliminate exposure pathways
- No Further Remediation Letter
The IEPA is reviewed the Remedial Action Completion Report and an NFR was granted by May 2021.
Evanston Low-Rise Apartment Building Heating Oil Tank
Underground Storage Tank Removal
No Further Remediation Letter
Key Staff:
Alisa Allen – Professional Geologist, Project Manager
2017 – 2020
Estimated $9,000