If you are here looking for a SBA RSRA template download, you can only be an environmental consultant or freelance environmental consultant who is looking to do one of these reports for the first time. Fear not, they are pretty easy and your pals here at A3 Environmental Consultants are here to help. First, let’s get you what you came for.
SBA RSRA Template Download.ZIP
SBA RSRA Template Download.PDF
SBA RSRA Template Download.DOCX
The files above are the same thing three different times. Your IT administrator may have blocked downloading different file types, especially .docx (Microsoft Word) for security reasons. The Zip file is the word file zipped. The PDF is self explanatory but they are really hard to edit.
Generic RSRA Environmental Report
We currently use Quire which is a report writing tool for our industry which is fast and wonderful to use. However, back in the day when we used MS Word, this is the way we did it.
RED TEXT – This is the part that changes on every report depending on the results of the ERIS or EDR Data Reports. We switched the red to black when we were done and then passed it off for QA/QC. This helped us to have multiple writers if we needed it without people tripping over each other.
SBA RSRA Environmental Flow Chart
Still operating on the assumption that you’ve never done one of these before, you’ll need to know when they are appropriate and when they are not. You can understand the SBA RSRA Environmental process by looking at this flow chart. The RSRA is not always appropriate in lieu of a Phase I ESA.
SBA RSRA Environmental Questionnaire
Assets Not Liabilities
The whole RSRA process is kicked off by an environmental questionnaire. This questionnaire is almost always administered by the lending institution. You will need to understand the process, so check out the link.
Everything You Could Ever Want to Know About RSRA
You will need a solid base of information to sound intelligent when talking to clients. Everything you could want to know about RSRAs is here.
SBA SOP RSRA 50 10 7 Download
SBA Standard Operating Procedure for SOP 50 10 7 RSRA can be downloaded here.
If you need a RSRA, research or testing done on your property or one you are interested in purchasing, give A3 Environmental Consultants a call. We’ll get your project done with the utmost in confidentiality, we’ll meet or exceed Small Business Administration (SBA) Standard Operating Procedure 50 10 6 on any sort of commercial or industrial property. Our Assessments meet the requirements of all commercial lenders and government agencies such as the SBA, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). A3 Environmental Consultants can be reached at (888) 405-1742 or by email at Info@A3E.com.