Every civil engineer at some time or another needs to move soil offsite. The question is always where to move it and what does it cost. One of our specialties at A3 Environmental Consultants is performing soil management projects. You may, however, want to do them yourself. In the spirit of collaboration, I give you our ArcGIS map which we created to find the closest CCDD facilities. It also has subtitle D facilities, the MAC map and truck routes. As if that wasn’t enough, it has the name of the environmental contact, phone number and email. You can find all this information by clicking here:
Or clicking on the image.
I’m worried about being too wordy. I really think the map is self explanatory.
If you’re wondering what “MAC” means, it stands for “Maximum Allowable Concentration”. They are talking about limits for when contaminants reach a level of toxicity where they become something you need to worry about. You can read all about MAC here.
If you’ve ever found yourself wondering what CCDD was, you I have a fun-as-soil-management-can-get article here.
This map is VERY useful if you move soil offsite for IDOT.
Contact Tim Allen (630) 507-9014, Tim@A3E.com if you have any questions.
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