Illinois Tool Works (ITW) is ranked 201 in Fortune Magazine’s 500 largest US Businesses. Headquartered in Glenview Illinois, ITW is a manufacturer of thousands of different items from Zip Ties to Hobart Mixers. In the course of doing business, ITW was interested in purchasing the former Chase Brass & Copper building which also formerly held RR Donnelley’s facilities in Chicago Illinois. The facility consisted of 230,000 square feet of industrial space in two separate buildings on a 11-acre property. A3 Environmental Consultants was retained to perform an asbestos containing materials survey as part of the pre-purchase environmental due diligence.
Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
The facility was 70 years old and was involved in many updates and renovations through the years. Materials used in the construction and interior appointments were common at the time and for the age of the building. Over the course of three days, Patrick Hook, a licenced asbestos inspector in the State of Illinois with the help of Andrew Zero, staff scientist with A3E, traced large mechanical systems and their accompanying piping through the facility’s HVAC and process heat infrastructure. They quantified the locations and types of surfaces that needed to be tested, which resulted in 151 samples, submitted for analysis.
Asbestos Containing Materials (ACM) was found in several samples analyzed. A3E delineated the extent of the areas of concern to develop an abatement Scope of Work (SoW) and to create a budget for the eventual remediation of the buildings. A3E turned the project around on budget and inside the due diligence period providing the necessary information for senior management to decide whether to proceed with the acquisition of the property.
In the first Quarter of 2023, A3E will perform the limited asbestos oversight and act as a liaison between the abatement contractor and environmental department of ITW while the abatement is underway.
Illinois Tool Works (ITW)
Chicago, IL
Asbestos Containing Materials Survey
Key Staff:
Patrick Hook, PG, Asbestos Inspector, Asbestos Project Manager
Andrew Zero
3 Days