The best way to find a historic Phase 1 Report is to find it in your records or email. They are typically sent as PDFs from the consultant that did the work. The second best way to find a historic Phase 1 Environmental Study is to call the consultant who did the work. They should have your report on file. Over time, however, these things disappear and consultants get bought and go out of business. The third best way to find a historic Phase 1 Report is to ask the lending institution who originally asked for it if they could email you a copy.
How do I find a historic Phase 1 Report if None of the above methods are an option?
There is no central repository for historic Phase 1 reports. In addition, if you or your company isn’t the one that commissioned (paid for) the work, you’re not entitled to see the report anyway. There are sometimes ways around this but they are rare, click here to read more.
We Fix Gnarly Environmental Problems
How long is a Phase 1 Survey good for anyway?
If you can’t remember who did your Phase 1 Investigation chances are it’s been awhile since the work was done. Phase 1 ESAs are only good for 180 days according to the ASTM, which is the governing body of standards for environmental consulting. Banks, Financers and Lending Institutions can bend these rules if they’d like to, it is their money they are lending, after all.
I need to refinance a commercial loan. The bank wants a Phase 1 ESA. I had one but I can’t find it. What can I do?
Ask your new bank if you can provide them with a Record Search with Risk Assessment (RSRA). It’s a database search of all Federal, State, County and Municipal databases for hazardous material use, generation and spills. It also includes a historical data search, generally city directories or fire insurance maps. If your industry isn’t environmentally sensitive (automotive, chemicals, metals, or dry cleaning) and if you don’t have underground storage tanks, they should consider lending with just an RSRA. They are a substantially less expensive form of due diligence than a Phase 1 Audit. They are also faster to get done because they don’t require a Phase 1 Inspection
If you need an updated Environmental Report on your property or one you are interested in purchasing, give A3 Environmental Consultants a call. We’ll work to get your Environmental REC removed with the utmost in confidentiality, we’ll meet or exceed ASTM Standard E1527-13 on any sort of commercial or industrial property. Our reports meet the requirements of all lenders and government agencies such as the Small Business Administration (SBA), Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). A3 Environmental Consultants can be reached at (888) 405-1742 or by email at