Project Profiles
College of DuPage is a public community college with its main campus in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The college also owns and operates satellite campuses in Addison, Carol Stream, Naperville and Westmont. With more than 20,000 students, the College of DuPage is the second largest provider of undergraduate education in Illinois, after University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Asbestos Containing Materials Survey Before starting any demolition, rehabilitation, or renovation of
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The Illinois Air National Guard (IL ANG) is a reserve component of the U.S. Air Force and a state militia unit under the jurisdiction of the Illinois governor. Its 3000 employees are stationed with the 126th Air Refueling Wing, the 182nd Airlift Wing, and the 183rd Wing. In the spring of 2023, A3 Environmental Consultants
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The largest airline in the world, consisting of over 100,000 employees, who is the leading United States carrier for flights across both the Atlantic and Pacific, offering direct flights to international destinations continually contracts A3 Environmental Consultants to perform preliminary environmental site assessments on various international airports nationwide, including but not limited to, Chicago O’Hare
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The largest airline in the world, consisting of over 100,000 employees, who is the leading United States carrier for flights across both the Atlantic and Pacific, offering direct flights to international destinations contracted A3E in 2024 to perform PFAS groundwater sampling and tap water testing at the hangars on the northwest side of Chicago O’Hare
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In 2012, what began as the site for a new Saint Anthony Hospital to replace its 121-year old facility and continue providing services and employment to the west and southwest sides of Chicago, evolved to a vision for greater access to the other areas of critical need for healthy communities, including education, safe housing and
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In 2012, what began as the site for a new Saint Anthony Hospital to replace its 121-year old facility and continue providing services and employment to the west and southwest sides of Chicago, evolved to a vision for greater access to the other areas of critical need for healthy communities, including education, safe housing and
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In 2012, what began as the site for a new Saint Anthony Hospital to replace its 121-year old facility and continue providing services and employment to the west and southwest sides of Chicago, evolved to a vision for greater access to the other areas of critical need for healthy communities, including education, safe housing and
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In 1868 Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company built a Manufactured Gas Plant (MGP Plant) to produce coal gas at 1180 N. Crosby Street, Chicago, Illinois. In the early 1960’s, People’s Gas, the subsequent owner, closed the plant. ComEd, an Exelon company, purchased a 5.5 acre parcel, one of several which the MGP site was
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Air Monitoring Project Profile 2023 (Manufactured Gas Plant) Wetland Project Profile in DuPage County Illinois Wetland Survey for Cell Tower Industry – Project Profile 2023 Pre-Demolition Hazardous Building Materials Survey: Why it’s Important for Safe & Compliant Demolition Lake Villa School District UST Remediation Project Profile 2023 NFR Letter for a Federal Prison –
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In April 2023, a wetland survey was conducted for a 3-acre project area in the town of Wyanet, found in lovely Bureau County, Illinois, intended for cell tower construction. The land use at the time was grazing pasture with a pond and drainage ditch, a wooded area to the east, and a naturalized area to
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Demolition is a crucial process in the construction industry that involves removing a building or structure to make way for a new project. However, it’s essential to ensure that demolition projects are executed safely and efficiently, which is where the pre-demolition hazardous building materials survey comes in. The purpose of a pre-demolition hazardous building materials
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The Lake Villa Illinois School District purchased a property back in 2000. The site is a former gasoline station that had three underground storage tanks (UST) removed in 2009. A release was declared during removal of the USTs because of corrosion and overfilling. Early Action and Stage I Investigations took place from June to September
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A3 Environmental Consultant’s client is the owner of several gas stations. One of these gas stations, located in Alsip, Illinois, experienced a LUST incident (IEMA Incident #20150675, IEPA LPC #0310035069) in 2015. Following the release, approved Stage 1 and Stage 2 investigations were undertaken from 2016 to 2019. However, shortly after submission of the Stage
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The site is a Federal Correctional Institution. A3 Environmental Consultants performed a UST Environmental Project at a facility located at 2600 South Second Street in Pekin, Illinois (the ‘Site’). On June 14-15, 2021, Earth Services, contracted by Greenwave Consultants (Greenwave) of Springfield, IL removed one (1) 1,000- gallon used oil Underground Storage Tank (UST), one
- Published in Environmental Due Diligence, Project Profiles
. . . . . . . . . . When it comes to environmental consulting, typically the laboratories and environmental scientists get all the glory. Labs prove definitively what’s in the soil. But what do you do if you can’t do lab work because there’s nothing there to test? Gather ’round the children and
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Illinois Tool Works (ITW) is ranked 201 in Fortune Magazine’s 500 largest US Businesses. Headquartered in Glenview Illinois, ITW is a manufacturer of thousands of different items from Zip Ties to Hobart Mixers. In the course of doing business, ITW was interested in purchasing the former Chase Brass & Copper building which also formerly held
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Weston Solutions is an engineering and environmental consulting company located in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Serving the Chicago Metropolitan area out of Lincolnshire, Illinois, Weston Solutions partnered with A3 Environmental Consultants on various projects for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI) A3E was subcontracted by Weston Solutions to perform a Preliminary Site
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The Sangamo Electric Dump/Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge (the Refuge) is located five miles west of Marion in Williamson County, Illinois. The Refuge includes about 43,500 acres of land. The area is a wildlife refuge and is also in use for recreation, agriculture, and industrial purposes. Prior to and during World War II, the U.S.
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A client with 65 years history providing heavy construction equipment rental from 109 facilities located across all 50 states contacted A3 Environmental Consultants seeking help with their purchase of a 24 acre industrial site. They had historic a Phase I ESA and a Phase II ESA showing contamination on the site indicative of heavy automotive
- Published in Environmental Due Diligence, Environmental Remediation, Project Profiles
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is the third largest school district in the United States and is entrusted with educating the children of Chicago Illinois. With a total of 658 schools servicing over 400,000 students, CPS aims to provide a safe, healthy learning environment for its students and staff. In order to maintain such an environment
Busey Bank is headquartered in Champaign Illinois and has lending operations across the midwest and Florida. With a history dating back to 1868, Busey Bank currently has 1400 employees serving 47 locations and is a major business lender in their three state footprint. Due Diligence Figures A3E CADD Services provides due diligence figure packages for
- Published in Environmental Due Diligence, Environmental Remediation, Project Profiles
A Chicagoland environmental company performed a Phase I ESA as part of a refinancing program for an apartment complex in Chicago Illinois. In the process they identified two underground storage tanks (UST) which were used to serve fuel oil to the HVAC system in years past. A3E works hard to have friendly relationships with fellow
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In 2017 Wendler Engineering Services contacted A3 Environmental Consultants requesting to have their Site Remediation Project (SRP) site closed out so they could sell the property. The site was located in downtown DeKalb, Illinois and was the former location of Sawyer Auto Service Center. They had purchased it during the real estate market crash in
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In 2019 A3 Environmental Consultants won their first of two consecutive bids for routine groundwater sampling at the Thornton Quarry, in Thornton Illinois for the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRDGC). The MWRD is responsible for all the water runoff and storm sewer outflow for their management area. They built an enormous public
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Oxford Bank & Trust refinanced a large strip mall in Mundelein Illinois for a closely held real estate company. During the Phase I ESA a dry cleaning facility which was still an active tenant at the strip mall was suspected to have leaked chlorinated solvents, including tetrachloroethylene or PCE. A Phase II ESA was performed
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CBRE is a worldwide real estate services company headquartered in Dallas Texas with satellite offices in Oakbrook Illinois. CBRE is in the business of property management, sales and due diligence for property transactions. As such they employ many professionals who work hard to illuminate risks being taking by buyers and sellers of commercial real estate.
- Published in Environmental Consulting, Project Profiles
A3 Environmental Consultants received a phone call from a landlord and current owner of a warehouse industrial facility. He was very interested in marketing the property for sale and was hamstrung by a Phase I ESA he had purchased where the consultant had identified two Recognized Environmental Conditions (REC) he personally disagreed with. A3E performed
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A steel fabrication business that has been in business for over 100 years contracted A3 Environmental Consultants to perform a Phase I ESA on a vacant steel fabrication plant that the business was looking to acquire located in Hammond Indiana. The findings of the Phase I ESA warranted a Phase II ESA on the property. Phase I ESA The vacant site had a long history of
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Essential Utilities is a utility company that has stakes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, North Carolina, Illinois, Texas, New Jersey, Indiana and Virginia The company provides drinking water and wastewater treatment infrastructure and services. Aqua America is Essential Utilities water services arm. Aqua America called A3E OES which is a joint venture between A3 Environmental Consultants and
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In November of 2021, Integrity Investment Funds (IIF), RFO Holdings, LLC, contacted A3 Environmental (A3E) to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at an industrial property located in Rantoul, Illinois (Subject Property). IIF indicated the property was to go to auction in the Spring of 2022 and A3E set out to ensure that
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A3E CADD Services provide complete figure sets for all clients requiring UST removal and excavation sampling. When we identify tanks in the ground that have been damaged or forgotten, action needs to be taken the ensure the safety of the public for the generations to come. Part of this process is to convey to the
- Published in Environmental Remediation, Project Profiles
Public utility provider(s) in Northern Illinois rely on A3 Environmental Consultants to manage their Underground Storage Tank (UST) removal and closures. In addition, A3E provides UST Compliance Audits to keep our clients on the right side of the Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM). Our clients work hard to avoid regulatory compliance issues involved
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In 2018, A3 Environmental Consultants was contracted to review a Phase I ESA which was completed twenty years earlier. The Phase I ESA identified the property as a former gas station. At the time of the Phase I ESA, several soil borings were advanced to determine if the former gas station adversely impacted the property.
- Published in Environmental Due Diligence, Project Profiles
Public utility provider(s) in Northern Illinois rely on A3 Environmental Consultants (A3E) to track waste streams, both hazardous and non-hazardous in their systems. A3E performs sample collection and analytical data reviews to determine the correct method for disposal of the material, which includes incineration, grouting in place, or final disposal at a Subtitle D landfill.
- Published in Environmental Consulting, Environmental Remediation, Project Profiles
Public utility provider(s) in Northern Illinois rely on A3 Environmental Consultants to track waste streams, both hazardous and non- hazardous in their systems. A3E performs sample collection, analytical data reviews to determine the correct method for disposal of the material which includes incineration, grouting in place or final disposal at a Subtitle D landfill. The
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Chaffee Housing Trust is a non-profit low income housing developer in Colorado. They called A3E to provide a Phase I ESA and all the details to be compliant with the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements for Environmental Justice. Known as 24 CFR Part 58 these environmental review procedures are part of the grant process
- Published in Environmental Consulting, Environmental Due Diligence, Project Profiles
Hancock Engineering contacted A3 Environmental Consultants for four Preliminary Environmental Site Assessment (PESA) for a sewer improvement project in the City of Maywood, Illinois. Maywood was interested in starting sewer repair and replacement across several corridors of land and needed a PESA to protect worker health and safety as well as for soil management planning
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City of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) builds and renovates playgrounds, athletic fields, facilities, parking lots and ADA compliance every year. By way of these facility improvement projects, CPS contracts with a host of subcontractors such as construction companies and engineering firms to dispose of soils generated during excavation on the projects. The City of Chicago,
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In a former bus repair facility and former Bowman Dairy our client was looking to relocate his decorative stone business. A3E was contracted by the W. R. Weiss Company to perform a Phase I ESA prior to their acquisition. A3E performed the assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of The American Society for
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In October 2017, A3E was contracted to remove a 1,000-gallon fuel oil UST from an apartment building in Evanston, IL. A release was identified and reported to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency. 20-Day/45-Day Reports A3E submitted the required 20-day and 45-day Reports to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA). Early action activities included the removal
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In 2020, A3E was contracted to complete a Phase I ESA on a vacated auto repair facility and restaurant in the City of Chicago. A3E performed the assessment in conformance with the scope and limitations of The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
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Touchmark National Bank is a Small Business Administration (SBA) lender and, notably a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) lender. A3 Environmental Consultants was contracted to perform a USDA Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the city of Charlotte Amalie, on the Island of St. Thomas in the United States Virgin Islands. The USDA
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World Business Lenders is a New York based small business lender with over 100 employees. With a motto “We Lend. You Grow” A3 Environmental Consultants has been a partner to their lending operations for three years. We received a special request from our lending partner to perform a RUSH Phase I ESA on an industrial
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A3 Environmental Consultants is an environmental consultant providing Clean Construction Demolition Debris (CCDD) services which is a less expensive alternative for disposing of soil from construction projects. We wrote extensively about how to understand Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) regulations in this article: Understanding CCDD, A Guide for Regular People. The following paragraphs are project
- Published in Environmental Remediation, Project Profiles